Love Vs Lust: 04 Things I Wish I'd Known Earlier

Love and lust are two entirely different entities that people often confuse. Many believe that they are the same, but in reality, love encompasses much more than just lust. In this blog, we will discuss the differences between love and lust, why they are often confused, and how to distinguish between the two.

Love and lust, two opposite spectrums of emotions:

Love is an emotion that is derived from an intense affection for another person. It is a deep and selfless emotion that prompts individuals to give, compromise and sacrifice for one another. Love involves trust, communication, and empathy. It is based on the desire to form a connection with another person, to care for them, and to develop a bond that transcends physical intimacy.

On the other hand, lust is a strong physical desire for another person, which is driven by sexual attraction. Lust is shallow, fleeting and often self-centered. It is focused entirely on the physical aspect of the person and not their personality, character, or qualities. Lust is about satisfying one's own desires and needs without caring much for the other person's wants or needs.

Confusion between love and lust:

One of the main reasons why people often confuse love with lust is the physical attraction that accompanies love. However, physical attraction is just one aspect of love, whereas, in lust, it is the main focus. Another factor that may lead to this confusion is the lack of clarity in defining relationships. People may assume that experiencing intense physical attraction toward someone equals being in a loving relationship.

Furthermore, individuals may also confuse love with lust when they face a challenging situation in their relationship. For example, when faced with a stressful or tiring time, one partner's desire for physical satisfaction may increase, leading to confusion about the true nature of their relationship. In this scenario, it is crucial to differentiate between love and lust to avoid making hasty and regrettable decisions.

Tips to distinguish between love and lust:

To avoid confusion, it is essential to understand the differences between love and lust. Here are some tips to help differentiate them:

1. Longevity: Love is a long-lasting emotion that deepens with the passage of time and strengthens through challenges. On the other hand, lust tends to be a short-lived emotion that loses its intensity after some time.

2. Selflessness: Love is an emotion that prompts individuals to act selflessly. In contrast, lust tends to be a self-centered emotion that focuses on satisfying one's needs.

3. Intimacy and Connection: Love is all about building a deeper connection with another person through emotional and physical intimacy. Lust is primarily focused on physical intimacy and may not involve deep emotional connection.

4. Respect: In love, respect is at the core of any functioning relationship. It is essential to treat your partner with kindness, compassion, and understanding. In lust, respect is not always a priority, and individuals may make hasty or selfish decisions.


In summary, love and lust are two completely different emotions, although they may overlap in some situations. Love involves deep emotions, empathy, trust, communication, and a strong desire to form a connection with another person. Lust is mainly physical and self-centered, with a desire to satisfy one's desires. By understanding the differences between love and lust, one can avoid the confusion that often arises in a relationship and make better decisions regarding their relationships in the future.


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